Opakowanie Filtr Zamknięcie higieniczne Karton zbiorczy
4 szt. Wlotowy 6 opak.

Pasuje do następujących modeli odkurzaczy


CT 1000CT 1000 ECT 1000 S


Batti TappetoLucida TricePrestige
ChicMicrolitePrestige 1200 W
ClassicMicrolite Z 1610Samba
E 10Microlite Z 1620Tango
Lite Z 1610 - Lite Z 1660Microlite Z 1621
Lite Z 1800 - Lite Z 1870Microlite Z 1630


AP 140


BlueDiplomatP 1865 B
BoleroDiplomat P 1880P 1866 A
Bolero P 182 EExclusivP 1867 A
CalypsoExclusiv 218P 1868
Calypso P 1662Exclusiv 278P 1870
ChicLemonP 1880
Chic P 1860 BLemon P 1868P 1895 A
CiaoMicroliteP 45
Ciao P 1625 BMicrolite P 1610 APolka
Classic 1300MistralPolka P 1642
Classic P 1870Mistral 001Prestige
CompactP 152Prestige 1300
Compact P 152 AP 1610Prestige P 1865 B
Compact P 153P 1610 APrestige P 1867
Compact P 155P 1620Rumba
Compact P 1610P 1620 ARumba P 1866
Compact P 1620P 1625Rumba P 1866 A
Compact P 1625P 1625 BSalsa
Compact P 1630P 1630 ASamba
Compact P 1800P 1642Studio 1000
Compact P 1805P 1800Super 152
Compact P 1810P 1810Super 1800
Compact P 1820P 1820 ImportSuper 1805
Compact P 1830P 182 ASuper 182
Compact P 1835P 182 CSuper 1865
Compact P 1850P 182 ESuper 248
Compact P 1850 CP 1850 ASuper 268
Compact P 1860P 1850 CSurf
Compact P 1862P 1860Tango
Compact P 1865P 1862
Compact P 1870P 1865


BoleroLite 1814Samba
ChicLite 1815Studio 1000
CiaoLite 1816Studio Stylo
ClassicLite 1817Tango
DiplomatLite 1818TO 1610 - TO 1635
E 1150Lite 1819TO 1642
Lite 1810Lite 1820TO 1650
Lite 1811PrestigeTO 1800 - TO 1880
Lite 1812Prestige 1300
Lite 1813Salsa


BoleroU 1600 - U 1670V 3
LiteU 1800 - U 1870
TangoU 1880


AZ 1000AZ 1110 EStudio
AZ 1100AZ 1150 E
AZ 1100 AAZ 1160 E